Theme: The Mindful Landscape
Jurors: Donna Cosentino & Karen Hymer


Jurors Comments:

"When we looked through the work submitted, we seemed to be of the same mind.
There were many excellent images that simply didn’t fit the theme and therefore were not considered. It’s important that when one submits to a juried show to read carefully the stated concept. If one looks through our selections, it should become obvious that the concepts of meditative awareness and connectedness to nature was key.

 As we emailed back and forth with our thoughts, it was apparent that we were essentially in agreement with our top ten or so choices. We leaned towards images that have an air of magic to them, ones that caught our eyes from the first viewing. It was then a matter of reasoning out the whys of our selections between us. All the images have their merits. We are very happy with the unique mix of winners, in particular the first and second place images. The honorable mentions were not far behind. 

Regarding the series, we identified three bodies of work we thought were strong. We agreed a series would be three or more and several artists were ‘thinking’ in series. The chosen portfolio includes very strong individual images: each image can stand alone but gains strength when seen as a group. Portfolios are generally around 20 related images and a competition like this is a good place to ‘try out’ a series of 3-5 images. Don’t think you have to show everything you are good at.

We wish to thank you for entering this juried exhibition and want you to know that every juror or team of jurors will select different top images. This is a group of accomplished image makers - you made our job challenging! If you did not get in, do not think of it as a fail but as a stepping stone. Keep going!"
- Jurors Donna Cosentino and Karen Hymer

First Place: Steve Eirschele, Artifact
Second Place: Margo Geddes, Pasture Hawthorne

Best Series: Holden Richards:  Riverwalk

Honorable Mentions:
Jodie Hulden : Lucent  
Matt Connors: In The Beginning Was the Dream
Annie Lemoux : Almost Nothing
John Santoni: Concretion
Laurel Anderson: White Sands

5% of artist entry fees goes to the charity of the jurors. Donna Cosentino and Karen Hymer have chosen Mono Lake Committee (they literally have saved the lake).

Another 5% will go to first place winner Steve Eirschele choice of charity.  Eirschele has chosen the Pacific Northwest Art School.

Much is written about mindfulness in the process of making a photograph. What does this mean exactly? We believe it is about the slowing down and connectedness one acquires as one makes an image in the field.

We agree there is a mindfulness with street photography as well but it is a different kind of awareness than the one found within the pace of landscape photography.
We are looking for those moments (or even hours) filled with the ‘conscious present’.  These are almost always solitary times when the artist finds the self imbued with a sense of connectedness to nature. This cannot be forced. You cannot bend nature to your will. It is rather a loss of self in experiencing the scene before you. 
We are looking for those photographs from you which were made with this deep sense of union between photographer and place.