L.A. Photo Curator Results!

Theme: 'Cycle of Life'

Jurors: Ellen Friedlander & Lori Pond representing Pasadena Photography Arts
1st Place: MARA ZASLOVE, "Returning to the Earth"
2nd Place: LYNNE BREITFELLER, "Open Toed"
Best Series: CHRISTOS J. PALIOS, "Wisdom Evanescent"
Honorable Mentions:
PRESCOTT MOORE LASSMAN, "Domesticated Animals";
Lori Pond-
"When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement." MARY OLIVER
"Mara Zaslove's photograph of a nude, elderly woman half-dissolved with plants and flowers makes me think of Mary Oliver's poem, "When Death Comes." The poem demonstrates so well what the viewer sees in the photograph: a person not resigned to death, but rather comforted by it, knowing she lived a full life. The impermanence of all things is also explored in this image when looking at the model's transparent body.  When I look at this image, I wonder: Is she already gone? Has she melded with the plants and flowers? Are the plants and flowers gone, too?"
Ellen Friedlander-
"Mara Zaslove's photograph "Returning to the Earth" is a profound exploration of the human condition that left me emotionally stirred and deeply reflective. While more literal than many submissions, its raw honesty and unflinching portrayal of life's journey are undeniably compelling. There's a palpable bravery in the way Zaslove confronts the viewer with the inevitability of mortality, yet amidst this stark reality, there lies a resounding beauty that is both captivating and haunting. Each layer of the photograph serves as a metaphor for the layers of existence, echoing the complexity and fragility of life itself. The interplay of light and shadow not only signifies the passage of time but also underscores the transient nature of our existence. Through this composition, Zaslove invites us to confront our own mortality and contemplate the intricate dance between growth and decay. “Returning to the Earth” resonates long after the initial encounter, encapsulating the essence of the human experience with profound depth and poignancy."
A note to the entrants from Ellen Friedlander and Lori Pond-

"As photographers ourselves, deeply entrenched in the submission process and intimately familiar with the rollercoaster of rejection and acceptance, we approached the task of reviewing each photograph with a profound understanding of the emotions involved.

In our role as curators, each photograph underwent a meticulous individual assessment before we convened to deliberate and compare our impressions. Our evaluation criteria centered not only on technical proficiency but also on the photographs' ability to encapsulate the theme of "Cycle of Life," evoke emotional resonance, and craft a compelling visual narrative. While inherently subjective, it was remarkable how often our perspectives aligned, with certain images resonating deeply with both of us and leaving an indelible mark on our collective consciousness.

Undoubtedly, the process of selecting winners was fraught with difficulty, yet it was also immensely gratifying to bear witness to the boundless passion and ingenuity displayed by each participant. Their unwavering dedication to the art of photography serves as a beacon of inspiration, reaffirming the transformative power of visual storytelling and the enduring impact it holds within our hearts and minds."

This Women's History Month, we invite photographers of all gender identities to celebrate the rich tapestry of women's experiences across all ages. This call asks the photographer to explore the nuances of aging spanning across all decades. From the innocence of childhood to the wisdom etched in wrinkles, every stage of life holds its own story waiting to be told. Through your lenses, showcase the resilience, grace, and strength that accompany a phase or multiple phases of the journey. We look forward to seeing your projects that illustrate the beauty and depth found in the cycle of life. 

We will accept all forms of photography including analog, digital, documentary, collage, fine art, and alternative processes. This call is not open to AI.

5% of artist entry fees goes to the charity of the curators. Ellen Friedlander & Lori Pond have chosen the Los Angeles House of Ruth. 

Los Angeles House of Ruth (LAHR) was founded in 1978 to serve homeless women and children, providing all services free of charge. Many women leave their abuser when they realize their children are also in danger, essentially choosing homelessness over abuse. LAHR provides these brave women and their children a safe and secure place to heal.

Another 5% will go to the first place winner's choice of charity. Mara Zaslove has chosen the Sierra Club.
All submitted works to the exhibition will be showcased online in Exhibition 1-3. Explore the entire collection by clicking on the links below.