L.A. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards - 'Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet' SECOND PLACE (click)
(click on photo to see bio plus review)

CURATOR JANE SZABO: "This image is interesting on so many levels, but the overriding sensation is color;the blue vibrates and sets a mood, which carries as much weight as the playful absurdity of the portrait."
ELLA FAKTOROVICH: "We live in a world where beauty, comfort, safety, and abundance have increasingly been peeled back to reveal dangers of unprecedented proportions. From natural disasters to school shootings, from terrorist attacks to the fall of financial institutions the possibility of suffering harm when we expect the least has become the reality of life. In my works, I seek to expose the menace hidden behind the gleaming exteriors and bring it to the surface so that the fear of unexpected peril can be confronted and resolved."