BEST SERIES: Patricia Fortlage
L.A. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards - 'Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet' BEST SERIES: Patricia Fortlage
Patricia Fortlage/Resilience

"My name is Patricia Fortlage and I am a documentary and fine art photographer.

My goal is to create work that moves people, work that inspires change, especially for women. Studies have shown that if you invest in women, entire communities will be raised. I seek to do just that.

For the past 17 years I partnered with programs in developing countries to document their work, the issues they face, and how they are addressing those issues. Alongside this, I have also created bodies of work here in the US to advocate for women.

Even now, with a progressive diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis and the physical limitations that that entails, I continue to create work to improve the lives of my sisters everywhere.  Even my fine art work seeks to tell a story and inspire change.

My latest project is a series sharing my own journey with chronic illness. It is titled, “Lemonade,” and it is a project I have wanted to do for a very long time. I would like it to serve as a love letter to the chronic illness community… especially the women who are most gaslighted by medical professionals and others in our communities at large. This is a photographic fine art series with careful attention to raising women up in the process.

My hope is for the viewer to have an immediate emotional reaction to my work, as opposed to an intellectual reaction, one that will move them and inspire them in how they themselves move in the world. I hope to sometimes educate and inspire with my work, sometimes shock and surprise. At its most poignant, I would like to hope I have inspired positive change."

Patricia Fortlage is an award-winning documentary and fine art photographer.  From her core belief that if you invest in women and girls, entire communities will be raised, Patricia has focused much of her documentary career working with organizations doing just that.

From her powerful piece covering the female-led Othakarhaka Foundation in Southern Malawi to the stereotype breaking, female empowering Wonder, Girl! campaign, to an ongoing project depicting the often life-long after-effects of sexual assault on women, Patricia has promoted female empowerment one project at a time.

She has documented conditions and shared stories of struggle and success, helped to promote tourism in the poorest of nations, and overall, devoted her artistic work to furthering community development.

 She began her career by studying a degree in political science and international relations; however, she changed her focus to photography when she realized that change can also be affected through this medium as well. Her contributions in humanitarian aid and photography have taken her to over 50 countries, witnessing extreme poverty, unthinkable disease, violence, and destruction of life.  

She has also experienced beauty of spirit, resilience, optimism, and a human kindness that knows no boundaries or borders.  This beauty has inspired her to relay those stories.

Patricia learned a lot during her work overseas.  She learned that no matter where one lives, everyone is doing the very best that they can, and that most welcome support and ideas and collaborations where they can find them.  She learned about the generosity of others, especially those in the medical profession, who give of their time and skills freely and fervently to save lives.

She learned that her documentary skills as a photographer, while honed, paled in comparison to the real life-saving work performed by locals and foreigners united by shared visions.  She is humbled to have partnered on this treasured work.

Patricia also learned that in addition to love, food, and health, art is sustenance.  In so many cultures, art is revered… it is savored.  Whether that art be music, paintings, weavings, sculpture, photography… the list goes on… art is contentment for the soul, it inspires change, it brings joy. This has led to an alchemy of her own work, transitioning more towards fine art photography in recent years.  Her work has been published internationally and she has widely exhibited in solo and juried exhibits across the globe.  


Resilience - 20"H x 16" W
Archival Pigment Print
$600 unframed
Stamped for Authenticity and Signed on Back

Grief - 16"H x 20" W
Archival Pigment Print
$600 unframed
Stamped for Authenticity and Signed on Back

Slipping Mask - 16"H x 20" W
Archival Pigment Print
$600 unframed
Stamped for Authenticity and Signed on Back

The Breath - 16"H x 20" W
Archival Pigment Print
$600 unframed
Stamped for Authenticity and Signed on Back

Sorrow - 20"H x 16" W
Archival Pigment Print
$600 unframed
Stamped for Authenticity and Signed on Back

Troubling Thoughts - 16"H x 20" W
Archival Pigment Print
$600 unframed
Stamped for Authenticity and Signed on Back

Contact: Patricia Fortlage at
L.A. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards - 'Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet' BEST SERIES: Patricia Fortlage
Patricia Fortlage/Grief
L.A. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards - 'Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet' BEST SERIES: Patricia Fortlage
Patricia Fortlage/Slipping Mask

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